What is NaNoWriMo?

I'm not good enough to write a book!
Now that's simply procrastination - an excuse to keep from actually getting to work. So NaNoWriMo is going to blow that excuse out of the water! NaNoWriMo doesn't judge your work by its quality - only by its QUANTITY. You are invited to submit to the site daily or hourly with your word output. You won't be judged on how well you write, only on how frequently you write. So put aside that tired old excuse of "I'm not good enough!" and do something productive for yourself - Stop talking and start writing!
Thinking of putting yourself to the test and doing it? Well, go here http://www.nanowrimo.org and look for the blue badge to make sure you're in the rest place. Can't have you using another excuse not to write, can we? lol